

We explore opportunities in Venezuela’s tourism and hospitality sectors. Our team conducts in-depth market research and identifies potential projects that align with our investment philosophy.


We conduct thorough due diligence once we’ve shortlisted potential projects. This involves a comprehensive financial analysis, a review of the project’s sustainability credentials, and a rigorous risk assessment.


After carefully assessing the findings of our due diligence, our investment committee makes the final investment decision. This decision is based on the project’s potential for delivering attractive returns, alignment with our sustainability focus, and risk profile.


Upon a favorable investment decision, we proceed with deal negotiations and structuring, aiming to secure optimal terms for our investment.

Project Implementation and Monitoring (Ongoing)

After the deal is executed, we move forward with the project’s implementation. We actively manage the investment, continuously monitor its progress and performance, and make strategic adjustments as needed to ensure its success.


We’re bringing people together to end poverty for good.

There are many types of volunteering – you will probably find something suitable for your interests. For example, sports and event volunteering – they are especially relevant during international events like the Olympics, World Cup or Universiade.
If you know how to photograph, write texts, play a musical instrument or fold ships from paper, all this can also be useful.
Even the saddest, weary urban routine, a person begins to feel needed and in demand.
What We do

We do it for all people.

Often people choose who they will help based on their personal experience. Do not be afraid to meet those who do not look like you at all:
Donate now

Explore ways you can help today.

Over the phone or email
Call us on our hotline and the specialists will tell you how it is better to make a payment. They will also discuss your intentions.
In person
You can make a donation visiting our office. Use the address below to find our location and make sure our intentions are real.
348S, 11th St. Philly, NY 24107
Delivering help and hope through sponsorship.
Basic information needed to make a decision can be learned very quickly on the site or during a conversation.